Savas, E. B., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2024). Trouble in paradise? Emotional and social loneliness among international retirement migrants. Psychology and Ageing, accepted.
Spaan, J., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2023). Close but Far Away: Intergenerational Relationships between Retirement Migrants and their Adult Children. Journal of Family Research, forthcoming.
Pertzikovitz, A., Wachter, G. G., & Kalmijn, M. (2024). Why Are Children of Immigrants Less Geographically Mobile? Examining the Role of Economic Disadvantage and Family Networks. International Migration Review, online.
Hogendoorn, B., & Kalmijn, M. (2024). Does Ethnicity Moderate the Union Dissolution Penalty for Women? A Register-based Analysis of Changes in Income Components. European Journal of Population, 40(1), Article 29.
- Kalmijn, M. & K. Henkens. 2024. Het publiek vergrijst, maar het klassieke concert blijft. Economisch Statistische Berichten, te verschijnen (online juli 2024).
- Kalmijn, M. 2024. Discrepancies in parents’ perceptions of adult children’s well-being: evidence from mother–father–child triads. Journal of Family Research, online first.
Leopold, T. & M. Kalmijn. 2024. Reassessing Chronic Strain: A Research Note on Women’s: Income Dynamics After Divorce and Separation. Demography, advance access.
Kalmijn, M. 2024. Comparing Neighbors and Friends in Age-Related Network Changes. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, forthcoming.
Özer, Ö., Remund, A., & Kalmijn, M. (2024). Back for good? Return aspirations of immigrants in the Netherlands. International Migration, 62(5), 159-180.
Zwier, D., M. Kalmijn & T. Bol. 2024. Fatherhood and men’s working hours in a part-time economy. Social Forces, online first.
De Leeuw, S., M. Hornstra, & M. Kalmijn. 2024. Relationships with Full, Half, and Stepsiblings in Adulthood: Does Coresidence Explain the Stepgap? Journal of Marriage and Family, forthcoming.
- Kalmijn, M. 2023. Cultural and social support explanations of the native-migrant gap in the use of day care for preschool children. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, online access.
- Kalmijn, M. 2023. Parents’ socioeconomic status and support to adult children across the life course. Forthcoming in Journal of Marriage and Family.
Kalmijn, M. 2023. The Association Between Parental Separation at the School Level and Student Outcomes in Four European Countries. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, in press.
Kalmijn, M. 2023. Cohort changes in the association between parental divorce and children's education: A long-term perspective on the institutionalization hypothesis. European Sociological Review, in press. doi:10.1093/esr/jcad011
Kalmijn, M. 2023. Weakened parent–child ties and the well-being of older divorced parents. Demographic Research, 48(21), 591-608.
Savaş, E. B., Henkens, K. & M. Kalmijn. 2023. Who is aging out of place? The role of migrant selectivity in international retirement migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, advance access.
- Spaan, J.. Henkens, K. & M. Kalmijn. 2023. Understanding motives for international migration: A survey of Dutch retirement migrants in forty destinations. Population, Space and Place, advance access.
- Savas, E. B., Spaan, J., Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. & Van Dalen, H. 2023. Migrating to a new country in late life: A review of the literature on international retirement migration. Demographic Research, 48, 233-270. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2023.48.
- Spaan, J., R. van Gaalen & M. Kalmijn. 2022. Disentangling the long-term effects of divorce circumstances on father-child closeness in adulthood. European Journal of Population, in press.
Kalmijn, M. 2022. Verbroken relaties tussen gescheiden vaders en hun volwassen kinderen: Analyses vanuit het perspectief van kinderen en vaders. Mens en Maatschappij, 97, 40-61
Turek, K., K. Henkens & M. Kalmijn. 2022. Gender and Educational Inequalities in Extending Working Lives: Late-Life Employment Trajectories Across Three Decades in Seven Countries. Work, Aging, and Retirement, forthcoming
- Hornstra, M., Kalmijn, M., K. Ivanova. 2022. Adult children in complex families: How do relationships affect relationships? Family Relations, early access. doi:10.1111/fare.12738
- de Leeuw, S. G., Kalmijn, M., R. van Gaalen. 2022. The Dilution of Parents' Nonmaterial Resources in Stepfamilies: The Role of Complex Sibling Configurations in Parental Involvement. Social Forces, 100(4), 1671-1695. doi:10.1093/sf/soab0813
- Henkens, J. H. D., Kalmijn, M., H. de Valk. 2022. Life Satisfaction Development in the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Gender and Immigrant Background. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(2), 305-319. doi:10.1007/s10964-021-01560-7
- Hogendoorn, B., Kalmijn, M., T. Leopold. 2022. Why Do Lower Educated People Separate More Often? Life Strains and the Gradient in Union Dissolution. European Sociological Review, 38(1), 88-102. doi:10.1093/esr/jcab022
- Hornstra, M., Kalmijn, M., K. Ivanova. 2022. Dissonant relationships to biological parents and stepparents and the well-being of adult children. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(3), 481-504. doi:10.1177/02654075211031984
- Kalmijn, M. 2022. Family neighbours and neighbourhood integration: comparing contacts and networks of migrants and natives. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(11), 2698-2720. doi:10.1080/1369183x.2021.1992263
- Kalmijn, M. 2022. Intergenerational transmission of health behaviors in a changing demographic context: The case of smoking and alcohol consumption. Social Science & Medicine, 296. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114736
- Van Spijker, F., Kalmijn, M., R. van Gaalen. 2022. The long-term improvement in father-child relationships after divorce: Descriptive findings from the Netherlands. Demographic Research, 46, 441-452. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2022.46.15
- Kalmijn, M. 2021. Are National Family Surveys Biased Toward the Happy Family? A Multi-Actor Analysis of Selective Survey Nonresponse. Sociological Methods & Research, early access.
- Van den Berg, L., M. Kalmijn & T. Leopold. 2021. Explaining cross-national differences in leaving home. Population, Space and Place, early access.
- Kalmijn, M. 2021. Long-term trends in intergenerational proximity: Evidence from a grandchild design. Population, Space and Place, early access.
- Turek, K., Kalmijn, M. & T. Leopold. 2021. The Comparative Panel File (CPF): Harmonized Household Panel Surveys from Seven Countries. European Sociological Review, 37, 3, 505-523.
- Kalmijn, M. & T. Leopold. 2021. A new look at the separation surge in Europe: Contrasting adult and child perspectives. American Sociological Review, 86, 1, 1-34.
- Kalmijn, M. 2020. Attitudes toward Stepfamily Relationships and Biological Relatedness: The Role of Family Experiences in Youth. Family Relations, 70, 3, 741-758.
- Van den Berg, L., M. Kalmijn & T. Leopold. Stepfamily Effects on EarlyHome-Leaving: The Role of Conflict and Closeness. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83, 2, 305-321.
- Van Houdt, K., M. Kalmijn & K. Ivanova. Perceptions of closeness in adult parent-child dyads: Asymmetry in the context of family complexity. Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological and Social Sciences, 75, 10, 2219-2229
- Fischer, M. & M. Kalmijn. 2020. Do Adult Men and Women in Same-Sex Relationships Have Weaker Ties to their Parents? Journal of Family Psychology, 35, 3, 289-299.
- Ivanova, K. & M. Kalmijn. 2020. Parental Involvement in Youth and Closeness to Parents During Adulthood: A Comparison of Stepparents and Biological Parents. Journal of Family Psychology, 34, 7, 794-803.
- Hornstra, M., Kalmijn, M. & K. Ivanova. 2020. Fatherhood in Complex Families: Ties between Adult Children, Biological Fathers, and Stepfathers. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82, 1637-1654.
- Van Houdt, K., M. Kalmijn & K. Ivanova. Stepparental Support to Adult Children: The Diverging Roles of Stepmothers and Stepfathers. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82, 639-656.
- De Leeuw, S. G. & M. Kalmijn. 2020. The Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status in Stepfamilies: What Happens if Two Fathers Are Involved in the Transmission Process? Journal of Marriage and Family, 82, 657-674.
- Kalmijn, M. 2020. Guilt in Adult Mother-Child Relationships: Connections to Intergenerational Ambivalence and Support. Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological and Social Sciences, 75, 4, 878-888.
- Kalmijn, M., De Leeuw, S., Hornstra, M., Ivanova, K., Van Gaalen, R. & K. van Houdt 2019. Family Complexity into Adulthood: The Central Role of Mothers in Shaping Intergenerational Ties. American Sociological Review, 84, 5, 876-904.
- Eismann, M., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. 2019. Why Singles Prefer to Retire Later. Research on Aging, 41, 10, 936-960.
- Fischer, Mirjam M.; Kalmijn, Matthijs; Steinmetz, Stephanie. 2019. The social integration of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals: Exploring the role of the municipal context. Social Science Research, 84, November, 1-13.
- Eismann, M., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. 2019. Origins and Mechanisms of Social Influences in Couples: The Case of Early Retirement Decisions. European Sociological Review, 35, 6, 790–806
- Kalmijn, M. (2019). Feelings of Guilt in the Family: The Case of Divorced Parents. Pp. 287-306 in Divorce in Europe: New insights in trends, causes and consequences of relation break-ups, edited by Dimitri Mortelmans (2019.) Springer Nature: European Studies of Population.
- Ivanova, K. & M. Kalmijn (2019). Heterogeneous Effects of Family Complexity in Childhood on Mental Health: Testing the “Good Divorce” and the “Good Stepparent” Hypotheses. Pp. xx-xx in Parental life courses after separation and divorce, edited by Michaela Kreyenfeld and Heike Trappe (2019). Switzerland: Springer.
- Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2019). Leaving and returning home: A new approach to off-time transitions. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, 3, 679-695.
- Kalmijn, M. (2019). Guilt in adult mother–child relationships: Connections to intergenerational ambivalence and support. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 75, 4, 879-888.
- Kalmijn, M. (2019). Contact and conflict between adult children and their parents in immigrant families: is integration problematic for family relationships? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45, 9, 1419-1438.
- De Leeuw, S. G., Kalmijn, M., & van Gaalen, R. (2018). The intergenerational transmission of educational attainment among non-residential fathers and their children. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 55, 40-50. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2018.03.004
- Kalmijn, M. (2018a). Secondary traumatization, relationship problems, and adult children's well-being: Long-term effects of World War II in the Netherlands. Advances in Life Course Research, 36, 70-79. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2018.04.004
- Kalmijn, M. (2018b). Family structure and father absence among immigrant children: The role of migration, religion, and inequality. In F. Kalter, J. O. Jonsson, F. Van Tubergen & A. Heath (Eds.), Growing up in diverse societies: The integration of the children of immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden (pp. 143-175). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [proof version]
- Kalmijn, M., Ivanova, K., van Gaalen, R., de Leeuw, S. G., van Houdt, K., van Spijker, F., & Hornstra, M. (2018). A multi-actor study of adult children and their parents in complex families: Design and content of the OKiN survey. European Sociological Review, 34, 452-470. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcy016
- Kalmijn, M., & Kraaykamp, G. (2018). Determinants of cultural assimilation in the second generation. A longitudinal analysis of values about marriage and sexuality among Moroccan and Turkish migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44, 697-717. doi: 10.1080/1369183x.2017.1363644
- Mandemakers, J. J., & Kalmijn, M. (2018). From bad to worse? Effects of multiple adverse life course transitions on mental health. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 9, 299-311. doi: 10.14301/llcs.v9i3.484
- Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2018). Family structure and early home leaving: A mediation analysis. European Journal of Population, 34, 873-900. doi: 10.1007/s10680-017-9461-1
- Van Houdt, K., Kalmijn, M., & Ivanova, K. (2018). Family complexity and adult children's obligations: The role of divorce and co-residential history in norms to support parents and step-parents. European Sociological Review, 34, 169-183. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcy007
- Eismann, M., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2017). Spousal preferences for joint retirement: Evidence from a multiactor survey among older dual-earner couples. Psychology and Aging, 32, 689-697. doi: 10.1037/pag0000205
- Fischer, M., M. Kalmijn and S. Steinmetz (2017). Design, content and questionnaire of the Unions in Context (UNICON) study: Lesbian, gay and heterosexual couples and families in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
- Kalmijn, M. (2017a). The ambiguous link between marriage and health: A dynamic reanalysis of loss and gain effects. Social Forces, 95, 1607-1636. doi: 10.1093/sf/sox015
- Kalmijn, M. (2017b). Family structure and the well-being of immigrant children in four European countries. International Migration Review, 51, 927-963. doi: 10.1111/imre.12262
- Kalmijn, M., Ivanova, K., Van Gaalen, R., De Leeuw, S., Van Houdt, K., & Van Spijker, F. (2017a). A multi-actor survey of adult children in the Netherlands. Amsterdam/The Hague/Heerlen: University of Amsterdam/Statistics Netherlands. [Release 1.1, 2018].
- Bol, T., & Kalmijn, M. (2016). Grandparents' resources and grandchildren's schooling: Does grandparental involvement moderate the grandparent effect? Social Science Research, 55, 155-170. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2015.09.011
- Fischer, M. M., Kalmijn, M., & Steinmetz, S. (2016). Does tolerance matter? A comparative study of wellbeing of persons in same-sex and mixed-sex unions across nine European countries. European Societies, 18, 514-534. doi: 10.1080/14616696.2016.1207793
- Geven, S., Kalmijn, M., & van Tubergen, F. (2016). The ethnic composition of schools and students' problem behaviour in four European countries: The role of friends. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42, 1473-1495. doi: 10.1080/1369183x.2015.1121806
- Gracia, P., & Kalmijn, M. (2016). Parents' family time and work schedules: The split-shift schedule in spain. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78, 401-415. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12270
- Kalmijn, M. (2016a). Father-child contact, interparental conflict, and depressive symptoms among children of divorced parents. European Sociological Review, 32, 68-80. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcv095
- Kalmijn, M. (2016b). Children's divorce and parent-child contact: A within-family analysis of older european parents. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 71, 332-343. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbu141
- Kalmijn, M. (2016c). The children of intermarriage in four European countries: Implications for school achievement, social contacts, and cultural values (vol 662, pg 246, 2015). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 665, 241-243. doi: 10.1177/0002716216629642
- Kalmijn, M., & Uunk, W. (2016). Opleidingshomogamie in Nederland revisited: Stabiliteit of toenemende segmentatie op de huwelijksmarkt? In W. Jansen & I. Maas (Eds.), Scheidslijnen in Nederland (pp. 379-404). Amsterdam: AUP.
- Kalmijn, M., & van de Werfhorst, H. G. (2016). Sibship size and gendered resource dilution in different societal contexts. PLoS ONE, 11. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160953
- Leopold, T., & Kalmijn, M. (2016). Is divorce more painful when couples have children? Evidence from long-term panel data on multiple domains of well-being. Demography, 53, 1717-1742. doi: 10.1007/s13524-016-0518-2
- Van den Bogaard, L., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2016). Retirement as a relief? The role of physical job demands and psychological job stress for effects of retirement on self-rated health. European Sociological Review, 32, 295-306. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcv135
- Damman, M., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2015a). Women's retirement intentions and behavior: The role of childbearing and marital histories. European Journal of Population, 31, 339-363. doi: 10.1007/s10680-014-9335-8
- Damman, M., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2015b). Missing work after retirement: The role of life histories in the retirement adjustment process. Gerontologist, 55, 802-813. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt169
- Kalmijn, M. (2015a). The children of intermarriage in four European countries: Implications for school achievement, social contacts, and cultural values. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 662, 246-265. doi: 10.1177/0002716215595391
- Kalmijn, M. (2015b). Family disruption and intergenerational reproduction: Comparing the influences of married parents, divorced parents, and stepparents. Demography, 52, 811-833. doi: 10.1007/s13524-015-0388-z
- Kalmijn, M. (2015c). Relationships between fathers and adult children: The cumulative effects of divorce and repartnering. Journal of Family Issues, 36, 737-759. doi: 10.1177/0192513x13495398
- Kalmijn, M. (2015d). How childhood circumstances moderate the long-term impact of divorce on father-child relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77, 921-938. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12202.
- Kalmijn, M. (2015e). Father-child relations after divorce in four European countries: Patterns and determinants. Comparative Population Studies, 40, 251-276.
- Kalmijn, M., & Dronkers, J. (2015). Lean on me? The influence of parental separation and divorce on children’s support networks in four European countries. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung - Journal of Family Research, 27, 21-42.
- Liefbroer, A., M. Kalmijn & A.R. Poortman (2015). Codebook of the Panel Study of Social Integration in the Netherlands 1987-2009. The Hague: NIDI.
- Van Zantvliet, P. I., Kalmijn, M., & Verbakel, E. (2015). Early partner choices of immigrants: The effect of preferences, opportunities and parents. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41, 772-794. doi: 10.1080/1369183x.2014.948391
- Ivanova, K., Kalmijn, M., & Uunk, W. (2014). Fertility after repartnering in the Netherlands: Parenthood or commitment? Advances in Life Course Research, 21, 101-112. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2013.08.003
- Kalmijn, M. (2014). Adult intergenerational relationships. In J. Treas, J. Scott & M. Richards (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell companion to the sociology of families (pp. 385-403). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Mandemakers, J. J., & Kalmijn, M. (2014). Do mother's and father's education condition the impact of parental divorce on child well-being? Social Science Research, 44, 187-199. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.12.003
- Van Damme, M., & Kalmijn, M. (2014). The dynamic relationships between union dissolution and women's employment: A life-history analysis of 16 countries. Social Science Research, 48, 261-278. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.06.009
- Van den Bogaard, L., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2014a). Pasts that last: The moderating role of education and former occupation for men's volunteering after retirement. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 36, 87-100. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2014.02.004
- Van den Bogaard, L., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2014b). So now what? Effects of retirement on civic engagement. Ageing & Society, 34, 1170-1192. doi: 10.1017/s0144686x13000019
- Van Zantvliet, P. I., Kalmijn, M., & Verbakel, E. (2014). Parental involvement in partner choice: The case of Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 30, 387-398. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcu045
- Verbakel, E., & Kalmijn, M. (2014). Assortative mating among Dutch married and cohabiting same-sex and different-sex couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76, 1-12. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12084
- Tolsma, J., G. Kraaykamp, P. de Graaf, M. Kalmijn, C. Monden (2014). Design and content of the Netherlands Longitudinal Life Course Study; Codebook Panel Wave 1 and Wave 2. Radboud University Nijmegen, Tilburg University, University of Amsterdam.
- Damman, M., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2013). Late-career work disengagement: The role of proximity to retirement and career experiences. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68, 455-463. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbt001
- Ivanova, K., Kalmijn, M., & Uunk, W. (2013). The effect of children on men's and women's chances of re-partnering in a European context. European Journal of Population, 29, 417-444. doi: 10.1007/s10680-013-9294-5
- Kalmijn, M. (2013a). Through a dark lens: Effects of depressed mood on perceived equity in intergenerational relationships. Social Science Quarterly, 94, 424-444. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6237.2012.00927.x
- Kalmijn, M. (2013b). How mothers allocate support among adult children: Evidence from a multiactor survey. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68, 268-277. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbs110
- Kalmijn, M. (2013c). Long-term effects of divorce on parent-child relationships: Within-family comparisons of fathers and mothers. European Sociological Review, 29, 888-898. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcs066
- Kalmijn, M. (2013d). Adult children's relationships with married parents, divorced parents, and stepparents: Biology, marriage, or residence? Journal of Marriage and Family, 75, 1181-1193. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12057
- Kalmijn, M. (2013e). The educational gradient in marriage: A comparison of 25 European countries. Demography, 50, 1499-1520. doi: 10.1007/s13524-013-0229-x
- Van Zantvliet, P. I., & Kalmijn, M. (2013). Friendship networks and interethnic union formation: An analysis of immigrant children. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, 953-973. doi: 10.1177/0265407513478378
- Kalmijn, M. (2012a). Longitudinal analyses of the effects of age, marriage, and parenthood on social contacts and support. Advances in Life Course Research, 17, 177-190. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2012.08.002
- Kalmijn, M. (2012b). The educational gradient in intermarriage: A comparative analysis of immigrant groups in the United States. Social Forces, 91, 453-476. doi: 10.1093/sf/sos128
- Kalmijn, M., & de Graaf, P. M. (2012). Life course changes of children and well-being of parents. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74, 269-280. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2012.00961.x
- Kalmijn, M., & Monden, C. W. S. (2012). The division of labor and depressive symptoms at the couple level: Effects of equity or specialization? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 29, 358-374. doi: 10.1177/0265407511431182
- Opree, S. J., & Kalmijn, M. (2012). Exploring causal effects of combining work and intergenerational support on depressive symptoms among middle-aged women. Ageing & Society, 32, 130-146. doi: 10.1017/s0144686x11000171
- Dykstra, P. A., Kalmijn, M., Komter, A. E., Liefbroer, A., & Mulder, C. H. (2012). Codebook of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study, Wave 2. NKPS Working Paper No. 8. The Hague: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute.
- Damman, M., Henkens, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2011). The impact of midlife educational, work, health, and family experiences on men's early retirement. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 66, 617-627. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbr092
- De Graaf, P. M., Kalmijn, M., Kraaykamp, G., & Monden, C. (2011). Sociaal-culturele verschillen tussen Turken, Marokkanen en autochtonen: eerste resultaten van de Nederlandse LevensLoop Studie (NELLS). Bevolkingstrends, 61-70.
- Kalmijn, M. (2011). The influence of men's income and employment on marriage and cohabitation: Testing Oppenheimer's theory in Europe. European Journal of Population, 27, 269-293. doi: 10.1007/s10680-011-9238-x
- Kalmijn, M., & Liefbroer, A. C. (2011). Nonresponse of secondary respondents in multi-actor surveys: Determinants, consequences, and possible remedies. Journal of Family Issues, 32, 735-766. doi: 10.1177/0192513x10390184
- Kalmijn, M., Vanassche, S., & Matthijs, K. (2011). Divorce and social class during the early stages of the divorce revolution: Evidence from flanders and the Netherlands. Journal of Family History, 36, 159-172. doi: 10.1177/0363199011398436
- Nagel, I., Ganzeboom, H. B. G., & Kalmijn, M. (2011). Bourdieu in the network: The influence of high and popular culture on network formation in secondary school. Kolner Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie, 63, 424-+.
- De Graaf, P. M., Kalmijn, M., Kraaykamp, G., & Monden, C. (2010a). Design and content of the Netherlands Longitudinal Lifecourse Study. [NELLS] Tilburg University & Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.
- Kalmijn, M. (2010a). Racial differences in the effects of parental divorce and separation on children: Generalizing the evidence to a European case. Social Science Research, 39, 845-856. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2010.05.002
- Kalmijn, M. (2010b). Country differences in the effects of divorce on well-being: The role of norms, support, and selectivity. European Sociological Review, 26, 475-490. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcp035
- Kalmijn, M. (2010c). Consequences of racial intermarriage for children's social integration. Sociological Perspectives, 53, 271-286. doi: 10.1525/sop.2010.53.2.271
- Kalmijn, M. (2010d). Educational inequality, homogamy, and status exchange in black-white intermarriage: A comment on Rosenfeld. American Journal of Sociology, 115, 1252-1263. doi: 10.1086/649050
- Kalmijn, M., & Monden, C. (2010). Poverty and union formation among never-married single mothers in the Netherlands, 1989-2005. Population Studies, 64, 263-274. doi: 10.1080/00324728.2010.506244
- Kalmijn, M., & Steensel, A. van. (2010). Geslachtsvoorkeuren bij het krijgen van kinderen: Veranderingen over geboortecohorten. Bevokingstrends, 38-42.
- Kalmijn, M., & Van Tubergen, F. (2010). A comparative perspective on intermarriage: Explaining differences among national-origin groups in the United States. Demography, 47, 459-479.
- Mandemakers, J. J., Monden, C. W. S., & Kalmijn, M. (2010). Are the effects of divorce on psychological distress modified by family background? Advances in Life Course Research, 15, 27-40. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2010.08.002
- Van Ingen, E., & Kalmijn, M. (2010). Does voluntary association participation boost social resources? Social Science Quarterly, 91, 493-510. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6237.2010.00704.x
- De Vries, J., Kalmijn, M., & Liefbroer, A. C. (2009). Intergenerational transmission of kinship norms? Evidence from siblings in a multi-actor survey. Social Science Research, 38, 188-200. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2008.09.005
- Kalmijn, M., & De Vries, J. (2009). Change and stability in parent-child contact in five western countries. European Journal of Population, 25, 257-276. doi: 10.1007/s10680-008-9176-4
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